No Need to Cry (Cancao de Alterne)

Cancao de Alterne (No Need to Cry)

I would love to hear from you and to hear how you like my lyric?

English lyrics by Roger Coghill

No need to cry. Your angels won’t conspire to make you low,
Or use you like some plaything that they maim.
Don’t think unlucky karma is to blame
Your future’s in your hands, so make it so.

No need to cry. Life’ s ordinary pleasures and delights
Will soon break through these clouds of solid grey,
Bright sunlight will irradiate your day,
That others claim as their god-given rights.

So wipe away those tears. It’s party time!
Put on your favourite make-up. Paint your nails!
No umpire has the power to choose who fails.
Prepare to paint the town incarnadine!
No need to smile. At other people that you come across.
Just keep your new-found happiness inside.
Others less fortunate than you might chide,
And feel upset they didn’t win the toss.

Keep a straight face. And learn to hide your joyfulness inside.
You know how jealous other folk can be.
So just enjoy your hour of bonhomie:
Life’s roundabout is all too short a ride.